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Instrumentation & Controls

Instrumentation & Controls

I&C Products

Our current catalog offers 100+ analog I&C products to support the nuclear industry and these products can be safety-related or non-safety related. The product lines include replacements for NUS Instruments (NUSI), Foxboro, Hagan, Bailey, GEMAC, and many others.

Search our Products Catalog or contact Curtiss-Wright I&C to order your replacement today.

Replacements for Foxboro H-Line

We have reverse engineered most of the Foxboro H-Line process control modules used in earlier vintage Westinghouse plants and CANDU plants and can provide custom versions of the modules on demand.

Foxboro Model Number & Description NUSI Replacement
610A Power Supply LPS500
610A + 66B 4-20 mA xmtr, 10-50 mA loop PIR500
61H Indicating Controller PIDA700
PID Controller
Batch Controller
PID Controller + Remote/Local Switch
62H PID Controller used as a Summer MTH700
Single Alarm Module
Duplex Alarm Module
Dual Alarm Module
Deviation Alarm Module
Single Difference Alarm Module
Duplex Difference Alarm Module
66A Square Root Converter CMM500
66B Current Repeater OCA500
66C Summing Amplifier MTH500
66D Multiplier / Divider CMM500
66E Current Source OCA500
66G Voltage to Current Converter OCA500
66K Integrator ---
66N Signal Characterizer (Function Generator) GEN500
66R Lead/Lag Unit TMD500
66 Special High or Low Signal Selector HLS500
67H Automatic/Manual Controller AMS700
693A Millivolt to Current Converter RTL500
694A Resistance to Current Converter RTL500
4111212 Remote/Manual Setpoint Station SET700

Static Gain Unit SGU500

Dahl Controller PID750

Four Channel Isolator FCA502

Other Foxboro Products:
Repair for Worn Threaded Holes in Mounting Plates

Replacements for Hagan 7100

Curtiss-Wright Nuclear has reverse engineered most of the Hagan 7100 process control modules used in intermediate vintage Westinghouse plants. We are very familiar with the designs and can provide custom versions on the modules on demand.

Hagan Model Number & Description NUSI Replacement
103-504 Remote/Manual Setpoint Station SET800
103-709 Signal Isolator OCA801
103-709 Signal Isolator DCA801
103-805 Lead, Lag, and Derivative Amplifier TMD800
111-118 Millivolt-to-Current Amplifier RTL850
125-124 PID Controller PID801
125-124 Remote/Manual Control Station AMS820
127-111 Analog Computer Element (Multiplier / Divider) CMM801
127-113 Function Generator GEN801
131-111 Signal Summator MTH801
131-112 Summator w/ Low Signal Select HLM800
131-113 Summator w/ High Signal Select HLM800
137-101 10-50 ma Loop DC Power Supply SPS800
137-121 45 volt Loop Power Supply (1 to 3 loops) LPS801
137-122 40 volt Loop Power Supply (1 to 3 loops) LPS801
139-110 Hagan/Sigma Magnetic Amplifier Relay MAG1100
139-118 Signal Comparator SAM800 / DAM800
1966E57 Median Signal Select MSS801
3110552 Computer Signal Isolator CSC800-552
3110553 Controller Input Module CIM800-553
3110554 Current-to-Voltage Input Module VIM800-554
4111450 Rod Speed Control Module RSC800

Dual Channel Analog Isolator DCA801

Hagan Batch Controller BAT1200 / BAT1250

High/Low Signal Select HLS801

Integrator (voltage to pulse converter) VTP801

7100 Optimac Computer – Feed Water Flow M/D-Feed Flow

7100 Optimac Computer – Power Mismatch M/D-Power Mismatch

7100 Optimac Computer – Steam Flow M/D-Steam Flow

7100 Optimac Computer – Feed Flow, Dual UnivAmp-DFF

7100 Optimac Computer – Dual Power Mismatch UnivAmp-DPM

7100 Optimac Computer – Dual Steam Flow UnivAmp-DSF

7100 Optimac Computer – Single Power Mismatch UnivAmp-SPM

7100 Optimac Computer – Single Steam Flow UnivAmp-SSF

7100 Optimac Computer – Minus 10 Volt Reference UnivRefVolt-SFF

Replacements for Bailey 7000

Curtiss-Wright Nuclear has reverse engineered most of the Hagan 7100 process control modules used in General Electric plants. We are very familiar with the designs and can provide custom versions on the modules on demand.

Bailey Model Number & Description NUSI Replacement
721 Blind Controller BLC2000-721
701 Basic Controller CON2000-701
722 Manual Unit UTS2000-720
720 Utility Station MAN2000-722-01
723 Proportional & Delay PRD2000-723-01
724 Logic Unit LOG2000-724-01
7401 Millivolt Converter MIL2000-7401-01
7403 RTD Converter RTD2100-7403-01
744 Dual Difference Alarm DDA2000-744-01
744 Single Difference Alarm SDA2000-744-02
745 Dual Alarm DAM2000-745-01
745 Single Alarm SAM2000-745-02
746 Dual Limiter DLM2000-746-01
746 Single Limiter SLM2000-746-02
750 Square Root Extractor SQR2000-750-01
752 Summer SUM2000-752-01
754 Function Generator GEN2000-754-01
755 Dynamic Compensator DYC2000-755-01
761 Rack BIN2000-761

Shelf mount versions of most of the modules are also available – substitute “2100” for “2000” in the model number.

Replacements for Bailey 820

Curtiss-Wright Nuclear has reverse engineered most of the non-safety related Bailey 820 process control modules used in Babcock and Wilcox plants. We are very familiar with the designs and can provide custom versions on the modules on demand.

Bailey Model Number & Description NUSI
6623695 - Summer + Bias + Inverter Action Unit SBI2300-3695
6623817 - Tri-Stable Relay TSR2300-3817
6623819 - Signal Monitor MON2300-3819
6623835 - Signal Generator SGM2300-3835
6624080 - Multiplier MUL2300-4080
6624120 - Signal Lag Action Unit LAG2300-4120
6624125 - Derivative Action Unit DEO2300-4125
6624150 - Summer + Integral Action Unit SUI2300-4150
6624200 - Rate Limited Signal Follower Action Unit RLF2300-4200
6624261 - Signal Limiter LIM2300-4261
6624505 - Square Root Extractor SQR2300-4505
6624543 - Auctioneer AUC2300-4543
6624610 - Quad Buffer Amp QBM2300-4610
6624665 - Function Generator GEN2300-4665
6625070 - Power Supply Monitor PSM2300-5070
6625160 - Pulser PUL2300-5160
6625621 - Voltage-to-Current Converter VCC2300-5621
6629530 - Summer + Proportional + Integral Action Unit SPI2300-9530
6629536 - Summer + Integral Action Unit SUI2300-9536

Replacements for GEMAC 5000

Curtiss-Wright Nuclear has reverse engineered GEMAC 5000 process control modules used in General Electric plants as clients request them.

GEMAC Model Number & Description NUSI
540-01 Basic Controller Basic Controller
541-08 Manual Loading Station MAN900-542
541-09 Manual Loading Station MAN900-542
543-04 Blind Controller PID901-543-04
550 Millivolt to Current Converter RTL900-550
560-1 Single Alarm Module SAM900-560-1
560-3 Dual Alarm Module DAM900-560-3
563-02 Proportional Amplifier GEN900
563-05 5 Input Summer CMM900
564 Multiplier/Divider CMM900
565 Square Root Converter CMM900
566 Function Generator GEN900
567 Computational Module TMD900
570-06 Isolated Power Supply (1 to 5 outputs) LPS900-570-06
GE 194X606G003 Power Supply NUS-A017PA-1

Analog Meters

Curtiss-Wright Nuclear recently acquired the intellectual property and designs for the Versatile Instruments line of analog meters. After putting agreements in place with various meter movement manufactures, we are now building and selling replacement analog meters along with our other products.

OEM Model Number & Description CW Replacement
Bach Simpson 1624 Indicating Meter 1624
Bach Simpson 3623 Indicating Meter 3623
Bach Simpson 5624 MK2 Indicating Alarm Meter 5624
Bach Simpson 5624 MK2 Indicating Alarm Meter 9284PA
Bach Simpson 9283 Indicating Alarm Meter 9283
Bach Simpson 9263X Indicating Alarm Meter 9283
Camile Bauer 20-4A0-04 Indicating Meter 20
Camile Bauer 21-2U7-0 Indicating Meter 21
Camile Bauer C96SE Synchroscope C96SE
GEC SIQ4D010N6AAAG Synchroscope GEC
Int'l Instruments 1136 Indicating Meter 1136
Int'l Instruments 1140 Indicating Meter 1140
Int'l Instruments 1142 Indicating Meter 1142
Int'l Instruments 1145 Indicating Meter 1145
Int'l Instruments 1156 Indicating Meter 1156
Int'l Instruments 2500 Indicating Meter 2500
Int'l Instruments 2520 Indicating Meter, Dual 2520
Sigma 5624 MK2 Indicating Alarm Meter 928PA
Sigma 9221, 9222 Indicating Alarm Meter 9222
Sigma 9223 Indicating Alarm Meter 9224
Sigma 9233 Indicating Meter 9233
Sigma 9283 Indicating Alarm Meter 9284SA
Sigma 9283, Indicating Alarm Meter 9284
Sigma 9263X Indicating Alarm Meter 9284SA
Triplette (LFE, API) 371 Indicating Meter 371
Triplette (LFE, API) 371X Indicating Alarm Meter 371X
Triplette 726 Indicating Meter 726
Indicating Meter 320E

Replacements for Relays

Curtiss-Wright Nuclear recently acquired the intellectual property and designs for the Lisle-Metrix line of relays and conductivity equipment. Scientech is now building and selling replacement low power instrumentation and control relays along with our other products.

OEM, Model Number & Description Lisle-Metrix Replacement
AECL Type1 Relay MRJ1172D
AECL Type2A High Speed Relay MRJ1172A
AECL Type2B High Current Relay MRJ1172B
AECL Type2C Make Before Break Relay MRJ1172C
Agastat 9110 Solid State Timer MDJ874B
Agastat 9111 Solid State Timer MDJ874A
Agastat 9112 Solid State Timer MDJ874C
Cutler-Hammer D87 Solid State Timer D87
Fisher LS-131-10 Alarm Module LS-131-10
Fisher LS-131-11 Alarm Module LS-131-11
Fisher LS-131-20 Alarm Module LS-132-20
Fisher LS-131-22 Alarm Module LS-132-22
Fisher LS-142-21 Alarm Module LS-142-21
General Electric CR120K Relay LM120K
Klockner-Muller DIL00L-44NA-J1227 Panel Relay DIL00L-44NA-J1227
Potter & Brumfield JM3112 High Current Relay MRJ1171B
Potter & Brumfield JM3112 Low Current Relay MRJ1171C
Potter & Brumfield JM3112 High Speed Relay MRJ1171A
Sigma 9321 Temperature Controller 9321

Solid State Timer MD

Solid State Timer MX

Power Supply PSJ1209

QualTech NP, a sister Curtiss-Wright company, also provides replacements for a large number of power relays. You can access their relay solutions list here .

Conductivity Equipment

Curtiss-Wright Nuclear recently acquired the intellectual property rights and designs for the Lisle-Metrix line of relays and conductivity equipment.

OEM, Model Number & Description Lisle-Metrix Replacement
Auburn WCC-1112-3 Liquid Level Detector WCC-1112-3
Beckman RA5/RA6 Conductivity Transmitter 3100C
Beckman Various Conductivity Cell MS Cells
Beckman Various Installation Fitting Cell Holders
Fisher LS-131-10 Alarm Module LS-131-10
Fisher LS-131-11 Alarm Module LS-131-11
Fisher LS-131-20 Alarm Module LS-132-20
Fisher LS-131-22 Alarm Module LS-132-22
Fisher LS-142-21 Alarm Module LS-142-21
General Electric CR120K Relay LM120K
Sigma 9321 Temperature Controller 9321
Solu Comp 2100 Conductivity Transmitter 3100C

Liquid Level Ctrl (1 NO, 1 NC) LL4

Liquid Level Ctrl (2 NO, 1 NC) LL7

Liquid Level Ctrl (2 NO, 1 NC) LL7H

Liquid Level Ctrl (2 NO, 2 NC) LLW

Liquid Level Ctrl (1 NO, 1 NC) LLJ177

Various Industrial RTD's VMMR

Replacements for Rosemount 710

In 2012 we entered into an agreement with Rosemount Nuclear to assume all design and manufacturing associated with their 710DU trip unit line of products. Additional information on options and scales are included in the linked brochures.

Rosemount Model Number & Description NUSI Replacement
710DU0TT* Master Trip Unit, 4-20mA, Standard Reset NUS-710DU0TT*
710DU1TT* Master Trip Unit, 4-20mA, Extended Reset NUS-710DU1TT*
710DU0TS Slave Trip Unit, Standard Reset NUS-710DU0TS
710DU1TS Slave Trip Unit, Extended Reset NUS-710DU1TS
710DU0TR* RTD Input Master Trip Unit, Standard Reset NUS-710DU0TR*
710DU1TR* RTD Input Master Trip Unit, Extended Reset NUS-710DU1TR*
710DU0CL Calibration Unit (Seismic Only) NUS-710DU0CL
710DU0RA1 Readout Assembly Unit NUS-710DU0RA1
710DU0BC Calibration Unit Blank Panel NUS-710DU0BC
710DU0BT Trip Unit Blank Panel NUS-710DU0BT
710DU0CF Card File NUS-710DU0CF
710DU0EC Calibration Unit Extender NUS-710DU0EC
710DU0ET Master (4-20mA) Trip Unit Extender NUS-710DU0ET
710DU0ER Master RTD Trip Unit Extender NUS-710DU0ER


Curtiss-Wright Nuclear has a large line of isolators, preventing faults in non-safety equipment from affecting safety equipment. These isolators range from single-channel, field-mounted units intended to drive a non-safety indicator or alarm, to 19” rack modular systems designed to handle a large number of signals originating in safety systems and being monitored by the non-safety plant computer. All are fully tested and qualified.

Individual Isolators
SCA100 Single Channel Analog Isolator
SCD100 Single Channel Digital Isolator
DCA801 Dual Channel Analog Isolator
DCD600 Dual Channel Digital Isolator
FCA300 Four Channel Analog Isolator
FCA500 Four Channel Analog Isolator
FCA600 Four Channel Analog Isolator
FCD400 Four Channel Digital Isolator
FIA351 Four Independent Channel Analog Isolator
ECA600 Eight Channel Analog Isolator
ECD600 Eight Channel Digital Isolator
Slimline Computer Input Isolator Systems
XHA600 16 Channel Analog Isolator
XHD600 16 Channel Digital Isolator
2600 Computer Input Isolator Systems
ECA2600 8 channel analog isolator module
XCD2600 16 channel digital isolator module
PSM2600 Power Supply Module
BIN2600 Rack

Other Replacements & Products

Curtiss-Wright Nuclear has also reverse engineered or designed many products that have limited application. We are happy to take on large jobs or small jobs – we are typically a high mix, low volume supplier, meaning we rarely get orders for more than 1000 units at a time.

OEM, Model Number, & Description Replacement
Bailey RC6100B Servo Amp Board (6619848-1) Servo Amp Board
Foxboro 2ARPS05-A6 Power Supply NUS 2ARPS05-A6
Keithley Instruments 80037 Ion Chamber Amp Calibrator 80037
Leigh Instruments 608N0376 End Stop and Position
Monitoring Module
Riley Model 86 Temp-Matic Thermocouple
Leak Detection
Riley Panalarm 70-X12 Dual Relay NUS-70-X12
Rochester 1302 Amplifier ASC-1302
Rosemount 515 Power Supply NUS-515
Vibro-Meter SP120 RCP Speed Probe RCP Speed Sensor
Woodward 2300-360 Speed Sensor SSS1300-360
Woodward 2300-383 Low Signal Select LSS1300-383
Woodward 2300-937 Differential Switch DFS1300-937
Woodward 2300-983 Defeat Switch DSW1300-983

Square Root Extractor 50ES2712XA

EDG Start Up Test Set EDG Test Set