EGS Electrical Seals
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EGS Electrical Seals
Curtiss-Wright Nuclear supplies safety-related and environmentally qualified electrical interconnection products, known under the brand name EGS. Manufactured in Middleburg Heights, Ohio, all EGS electrical devices are qualified by test for the harshest conditions, inside and outside containment areas, in PWR, BWR, and CANDU reactors. EGS is comprised of a broad range of products, from Class-1E compact splices up to reactor cable assemblies, and has become internationally known as a world leader in the supply of safety-related connection devices.
All EGS products are manufactured in accordance with ANSI N45.2, 10CFR50 Appendix B, and 10CFR21, in addition to being NQA-1, NUPIC, and NIAC audited.
EGS Conduit Seal
The EGS Conduit Seal is a lightweight, easy-to-install design that prevents moisture and liquids from penetrating instrument housings or junction boxes from attaching conduits. Its anatomy consists of two stainless steel housings that are assembled with a hex nut. The housings contain a grommet. The wires are fed through the grommet’s specially sized holes. The housings are tightened using the hex nut, which compresses the grommet and creates the seal.
- Easy installation/simple assembly procedures
- Multi-conductor capability up to six #12 or #14 AWG, or up to eight #16 or #18 AWG
- Avoids twisting of lead wire
- Small and lightweight, less than 1 lb.
- Utilizes existing field wire, no splicing
- No special tools or preassembly required
- No maintenance
- Coarse threads
- Easy interface with device and conduit
- Used on variety of devices such as solenoid valves, transmitters, RTDs, TCs,
pressure/limit/level/position switches, etc. - Compatible with ALARA considerations
- Qualified life: 40 years at 150°F (65°C)
- Radiation: 2E8 rads gamma
- Seismic: 6.0g ZPA
- LOCA: tested to 415ºF (212°C) and 100 psig (790.8 kPa)
- ANSI N45.2
- 10CFR50/Appendix B
- 10CFR50.49
- IEEE Standards (vary per applicable EQ Qualification Report)
- CSA Registered
EGS Conduit Seal Assembly
The EGS Electrical Conduit Seal (ECSA) is a lightweight, multi-conductor interface that provides a pressure boundary to prevent the passage of moisture and liquids from the conduit into instrument housings or junction boxes. It is a factory assembled conduit seal consisting of a stainless steel housing with integral feed through wiring and epoxy sealant. The ECSA is a passive device with no moving parts.
- Easy Installation
- Multi-conductor capability
- Small and lightweight
- No maintenance
- Easy interface with device and conduit
- Used on a variety of devices such as RTDs, solenoid valves, TCs, transmitters, MOVs, pressure/limit/level/position switches, etc.
- Compatible with ALARA considerations
- Qualified life: 40 years at 150°F (65°C)
- Radiation: 2E8 rads gamma
- Seismic: 8.3 g’s ZPA
- LOCA: tested to 435ºF (223.9ºC) and a pressure of 77 psig (632.2 kPa)
- Supplied under a quality assuranceprogram in accordance with ANSI N45.2 and 10CFR50, Appendix B
- CSA registered
- IEEE 572-1985
- IEEE 323-1974/1983
- IEEE 344-1975/1987
- IEEE 382-1980
- 10CFR50.49

EGS Hi/Lo Pressure Seal
A new idea for sealing of in-core instrumentation thimble tubes. Curtiss-Wright Nuclear’s qualified EGS product line includes an innovative combination Hi/Lo Pressure Seal for seal table use on Westinghouse PWRs.
The Hi/Lo Pressure Seal replaces an existing Swagelok™ adapter fitting and retains the metal-to-metal sealing characteristics currently in use. The seal can therefore be accepted via an equivalency determination since:
- The material is the same (stainless steel)
- Seismic qualification proven by testing and/or analysis
The Hi/Lo Pressure Seal also functions in the low-pressure mode, with no added configuration. The new seal permits thimbles to be withdrawn by simply removing a 1.5-inch union nut and loosening a 2.0-inch union nut. Tightening the 2.0-inch nut after thimble withdrawal maintains the low-pressure seal and secures the thimble in place. After refueling, the process is reversed and the two unions are tightened to specific torque values. The Hi/Lo Pressure Seal will reduce radiation exposure, labor costs, maintenance expenditures, and outage time.
The Hi/Lo Seal can be customized to fit any configuration.
- Qualified Life: >40 years at 150°F (65.56°C)
- Vibration Aging: None
- Radiation: 5E6 rads gamma
- Seismic: EGS generic TRS
- Cycles: 40 cycles
- LOCA: Not applicable
- Fluid: Borated water at 2500 psig/150°F (service) (17,338.3 kPa/65.56°C)
- Tested to 3,750 psig (25,956.7 kPa)
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