EQ Power Suite - Information Technologies
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EQ Power Suite
The most current and comprehensive compilation of EQ data in the world. Period.
Curtiss-Wright Nuclear is your trusted partner in running a mature, effectively functioning EQ Program that remains compliant with regulations, standards and regulatory commitments and supports the safe, reliable and profitable generation of electricity. We are the on-call, single-point-of-contact resource providing the tools needed to run the EQ Program, provide access to experts with decades of EQ experience, provide advanced EQ training, and continuous access to regulatory and industry documents and data to aid in the formation, oversight and technical support of the plant’s EQ Program.
Now Curtiss-Wright Nuclear, introduces a comprehensive suite of tools specifically designed to streamline the EQ task, saving both time and money for utilities and engineers. Through license agreements with EPRI to provide both the Equipment Qualification Data Bank (EQDB) and the Environmental Qualification Management System (EQMS), and the recent acquisition of the System 1000™ Materials Aging and Radiation Effect Library, Curtiss-Wright is now able to offer all three tools in one package - the EQ PowerSuite™ (EQPS).
Environmental Qualification DataBank
EQDB has been the quintessential EQ database for more than 30 years and contains the most thorough collection of EQ-related information including: test reports, equipment evaluations, materials aging and radiation data, and EQ-specific regulatory documents. Now more than ever, as new engineers are coming into the discipline, EQDB serves as the cornerstone resource for EQ-related information.
EQDB significantly lowers the cost of EQ-related activities by reducing man-hours spent while conducting research, document retrieval, and review of detailed equipment data. Especially for time-sensitive activities such as reportability or operability determinations, the rapid retrieval of information can make a significant difference in expended man-hours.
- Determine material characteristics and failure mechanisms for use in evaluating the root cause and probability of failures
- Review inspection findings and industry experience to avoid common problems
- Stay current with regulatory activities that impact EQ programs
- Find qualified replacement equipment
- Establish equipment shelf lives
- Extend component qualified lives
- Review materials test reports by some of the leading research organizations
System 1000TM
Materials Aging and Radiation Effects Library
Conduct EQ calculations with quality assured Arrhenius and Radiation data.
The System 1000™ is a web-based, 10CFR 50, Appendix B compliant, Arrhenius calculator and materials aging and radiation database. Fully recognized by the NRC, it has been the industry standard since 1985 and a value-added addition to EQDB since 2000. It is the only program of its type providing quality-assured activation energies and radiation data for thousands of materials coupled with independently verified Arrhenius algorithms used for calculating equipment life.
- Verified Material Data – All of the information provided in the System 1000 is verified true and correct, and all of the source documents are downloadable, and printable.
- Programmatic Cost Reduction – The System 1000 ultimately saves time and money. With the algorithms already complete and verified, and the data readily accessible, the time savings in research and calculation verification adds up to tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.
- Error Avoidance – The algorithms in the System 1000 have been checked and re-checked by professional engineers for more than three decades. Users rest assured their results are always accurate without the need to “duplicate” the calculations in other programs (like Excel) or run hand calculations for further verification.
Equipment Qualification Management System
Manage the entire EQ program all in one digital program.
EQMS is a value-added option to EQDB. EQMS is a Windows-based database application that provides a standardized electronic platform on which qualification can be documented and maintained in full compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix B. Historically, utilities performed the EQ task independently of each other resulting in unnecessary duplicitous work. EQMS provides a standard platform that helps each member utility perform and share evaluations both internally and with each other. Through EQMS, shared generic evaluations can be used to identify qualified equipment and evaluate test results for plant-specific requirements; thus, saving hundreds of thousands of dollars on testing similar components. EQMS streamlines the EQ File maintenance and revision process. Because it is an electronic database, changes can be completed and reviewed in a matter of hours rather than weeks, without the need to replicate and maintain hard-copy working binders.
- Generic Qualification Evaluations (GQEs) A standardized method of evaluating equipment qualification test reports.
- Plant Qualification Evaluations (PQEs) A standardized method to perform plant-specific evaluations to verify equipment qualification to specific requirements.
- Plant Environments / Room Conditions Maintain all plant environmental conditions data with ability to manage changes and view, at-a-glance, any resulting impact on equipment qualification.
- EQ Master List (EQML) Manage entire EQ Master Lists on a standard platform that outlines essential elements used to define and track EQ components to their qualification basis.
EQ Technical Services
People with the knowledge to use the tools
Curtiss-Wright Nuclear is your trusted partner in running a mature, effectively functioning EQ Program that remains compliant with regulations, standards and regulatory commitments and supports the safe, reliable and profitable generation of electricity. We are the on-call, single-point-of-contact resource providing the tools needed to run the EQ Program, provide access to experts with decades of EQ experience, provide advanced EQ training, and continuous access to regulatory and industry documents and data to aid in the formation, oversight and technical support of the plant’s EQ Program.
- EQ Training – Comprehensive training for EQ team members with customized agendas to meet site-specific needs
- EQ Program Setup – Expertise to establish EQ Programs that meet regulatory requirements
- EQ Program Enhancements – Enhance EQ Programs with initiatives like environmental monitoring, qualified life optimization, EQ File enhancement, operating experience review and EQ Master List refinement
- Program Health Monitoring – Develop or refine EQ Program Health reports, identify potential problem areas and develop and implement recovery programs for under-performing areas.
- Special Projects – Assist with emergent needs such as Corrective Actions, Root Cause Analyses, Part-21 Resolutions, EQ File development, EQ Self-Assessments, etc.
- EQMS Implementation Support – Assist with the data-transfer process and implementation for single sites or entire fleets, and on-site personnel training

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