Nuclear Regulatory Services
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Nuclear Regulatory Services

Licensing, inspection and enforcement information solution
With over 60 years of experience serving the nuclear industry, Curtiss-Wright’s Nuclear Regulatory Services (NRS) team offers expertise in licensing, inspection, and enforcement information solutions. Staffed with experts who have extensive experience at commercial nuclear power plants and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), our NRS team applies their knowledge to help our members problem solve and answer difficult regulatory questions.
Our NRS team includes Washington, DC-based personnel who cover industry-related meetings and convey insights through our suite of publications to help our members stay on top of potential impactful issues. Using our vast experience and expertise, the NRS team has mentored thousands of nuclear professionals through our interactive training programs, helping drive your staff towards the appropriate licensing and compliance-based actions.
NRS members have access to a comprehensive online regulatory library with over 5 million full-text searchable records and several curated databases to help our members easily track their licensing and design bases and solve regulatory concerns.
NRS Service Overview
With approximately 5.2 million records, Curtiss-Wright’s on-line regulatory library on is the most comprehensive source of NRC and industry-related information. With Boolean searchable files dating as far back as 1940s, our electronic repository has been used by our members to answer challenging design and licensing basis questions.
Our curated databases address virtually every licensing and compliance need. To populate our curated databases, each document goes through our intensive screening process, with relationships created between documents with a one-click interface to save your staff time. Results can be exported, with shareable links.
Examples of our curated databases include:
- License Amendment Database
- Exemption Request Database
- Inservice Inspection (ISI) and Inservice Testing (IST) Database
- Notices of Enforcement Discretion Database
- Statements of Consideration Database
Curtiss-Wright’s collection of publications keeps your team up to date on the latest industry happenings, allowing them to efficiently focus their valuable time on the constantly changing regulatory environment. Our highly-rated publications are informed by our Washington, DC-based staff and team of regulatory subject matter experts. Our NRS publications hit the mark for all information needs from licensing to compliance and are an invaluable resource.
Through our assortment of publications, NRS provides:
- A daily notification of important items
- A summarized briefing of industry documents/actions
- A set of specialty publications that focus on particular topics of interest
In addition to providing insightful summaries of regulatory issues, Curtiss-Wright’s NRS team routinely follows up with the NRC staff and senior managers on the status of current and emerging issues and transmits this knowledge through our suite of publications. The insights gained from our NRS publications allow staff to selectively drill down for greater detail into pertinent topics. In some cases, the topics covered in these publications can be a catalyst for knowledge management.
Upon request, NRS can create customizable data-driven benchmarking and excellence reports to help our members gauge their regulatory performance and enhance the regulatory confidence. Our custom reports provide a historical comparison of performance for your plants against the industry which allows you to identify high performance areas and outliers.
Our NRS training programs cover the bases for licensing and compliance and are integral for knowledge transfer. Our flagship training program includes:
- Licensing Professional Development (LPD)
- Significance Determination Process (SDP)
- Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) Workshops
These training courses cover the basics to drive your staff towards the appropriate licensing and compliance-based actions. Our courses are typically held in Clearwater Beach, Florida, but can also be performed onsite at your plant or virtually.
Our in-person and virtual training programs provide a significant benefit over computer-based training (CBT), allowing participants to interact with our skilled NRS instructors and other attendees to gather their practical experience insights.
We provide unmatched customer service. Responding to over 700 member requests for information each year, this tenet of Curtiss-Wright’s NRS service is highly valued by our members. The depth of knowledge of our staff and the quick turn-around of research requests allows for our members to respond expediently to issues of concern. Our team is also available for emergent conditions through an off-hours number.
The NRS team has dedicated staff members conveniently located near the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) in the Washington, DC area. Our staff routinely covers industry-related meetings and can be called upon to attend meetings on request. This fundamental element of our service is often cited as a key differentiator for the NRS team. Curtiss-Wright recognizes that being present is the best way to provide timely insights and updates on key industry issues that are important to our members.
Key Service Attributes within NRS
Curtiss-Wright’s expert NRS staff provides support for the following wide range of services.
To assist our members in coordinating inspector requests for information and improve efficiency before and during an inspection, Curtiss-Wright’s NRS team developed a user-friendly platform called “Inspector Question and Answer Tracking System” (IQATS).
IQATS allows inspectors and licensee response team members to be pre-loaded into the system. When NRC questions are entered into IQATS, all involved parties (including the inspector, response team members, reviewer, and approver) can be selected from a drop-down menu.
The IQATS unique architecture allows users to easily see the progression of an issue. Members can track their responses through all necessary statuses including new, preparer, reviewer, approver, and NRC acceptance/closed. Emails are automatically sent to individuals with new or pending assignments to keep the process moving.
A variety of reports are available to easily determine the status of each question, the inspector or source of the question, and each of licensee response team members’ workload. Beyond inspections, IQATS functions can be used to manage other regulatory processes such as NRC pre-inspection requests for information, license renewal audits, or other NRC licensing audits.
Our TRENDS Inspection and Enforcement program combines insights from the curated TRENDS database with our technical knowledge to help our members anticipate, understand, and respond to inspection issues. As inspection reports are released, our TRENDS staff reviews each one and technically evaluates the results. The inspection results are analyzed and categorized within our curated database to maximize searchability based on variety of relevant parameters.
The TRENDS database is key to inspection support and is much more than a general repository for inspection findings.
The TRENDS database has tracked NRC inspection activity since 1985 and allows users to search for inspections and findings/observations by plant, NRC inspector, NRC inspection procedure, and a host of unique inspection-related categories. Search results include a summary, history of the finding (including the progression of its development), and a link to the full-text of the identifying inspection report.
Our member website contains a complete set of plant-specific correspondence, which we refer to as “Web-docket.” It is the most comprehensive electronic database of publicly available docketed correspondence in the world and dates back to the 1950s. With this tool, you can perform comprehensive searches of a licensee’s docket as well as their licensing basis of key issues. This information can help your staff easily defend your design and licensing basis and quickly respond to inspector questions ensuring a smoother inspection process.
We provide access to a secure online eDocs portal for efficient management and sharing of documents between our members and the regulator. eDocs disables the printing, saving, and downloading functions. As part of the eDocs service, Curtiss-Wright provides any necessary technical support for setup and maintenance, including assignment of logon credentials.
Our License Renewal Service offers one-of-a-kind resources developed to help our members navigate through the various applications, requests for additional information (RAI), and responses to the RAIs. Members can easily search for topical information that has been asked of other licensees to streamline the development of their application and respond to similar requests for information.
To request for more information click here